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We will update our list of fundraisers once we get the info put together. Thanks for your patience.


We know Club is expensive, long and grueling. Our top teams travel more out of State than all other Clubs, providing unique experiences in many States.


Club is a 3 way investment. We want you to invest in them. We will invest in them. And in the long run we want a College to invest in them. 


Here is a list of fundraisers that we will do to help with costs.


This is an amazing program who specialized in fundraisers for all sports. 

Gift Cards

This is a monthly long fundraiser. Each ticket someone purchase is an unlimited chance to which prizes. These prizes includes various types of gift cards worth $100 each or $100.

Tickets cost $20. You can buy as many tickets as you'd like. A drawing will be done everyday and once your ticket is drawn you win that days prize and that ticket expires. If you are not drawn your ticket stays in the drawing. 

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